Monday, 6 June 2011

Dotty About...Peonies

Today at work, I had a lovely young couple come in for their final meeting before their wedding in a few weeks time. As we were chatting, they were laughing and squabbling about the groom not knowing what the bride's favourite flower was, and refusing to tell him because he couldn't guess right.

I took one look at her and one thought popped into my head...Peony!

Indeed, I was right. Peonies are her favourite flower, and I have to admit, they are also a particular favourite of mine. They are so perfect for weddings. My sister had white ones as her main flower and the florist scattered the petals on her tables to give off the gorgeous scent throughout the venue.

Not only do they smell gorgeous, they look gorgeous and they photograph beautifully. Here are just a few beautiful pictures of these amazing blooms.





A couple of years ago, I bought a peony for my garden. I bought the one called "Shirley Temple" and oh my goodness. This year it is sporting three beautiful blooms. :)

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