Sunday, 15 January 2012

Dotty About..."Chats"worth House

Dear avid fans of my blog...hmmm

I have to show you this. Obviously we took our dog with us on our travels over Christmas, but we couldn't take our cat, known in these parts as Lotty / Lotty-Lou-Lou / Lou-Lou / Chat McBain (by my hubby who says she is the bain of his life!) / Fatty McBain (because she is not only the bain of his life but a year ago she was very fat too!) and many other names!

Well my gorgeous hubby has a big soft spot for our (not-so-little) Lotty-Lou-Lou despite himself and he was worried about leaving her at home while we were away - especially with the threat of cold weather.

Short Interlude

The reason for this is because the naughty dog or cat - we don't know which - broke the cat flap this summer. It certainly has aided Lotty to finally loose some weight though so it's a bonus!

So, Lotty was unable to come in and out of the house whenever she wanted. (Don't call the RSPCA! we have very close friends who came in to feed her twice a day, let her out in the morning and back in, in the evening).

Anyway, the point is that on the back of all of this, here is what my big softy of a husband did for Lotty: he built her a house.

Double reflective insulation on all sides (and floor)

Hubby looking all official and manly with a pen tucked behind his ear!

Check out that insulation! snug as a bug in a rug!

Taa daa, in situ in the garden - we are waiting to find some freecycle roof felt for it, so bin liners had to do for now.

Well done Hubby! and, best of all, Lotty is actually using Chats-worth house, so I also have a happy Hubby :D

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